@misc{10481/50318, year = {2017}, month = {12}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/50318}, abstract = {An important experimental program on Nuclear Astrophysics is being carried out at the n_TOF since several years, in order to address the still open issues in stellar and primordial nucleosynthesis. Several neutron capture reactions relevant to s-process nucleosynthesis have been measured so far, some of which on important branching point radioisotopes. Furthermore, the construction of a second experimental area has recently opened the way to challenging measurements of (n, charged particle) reactions on isotopes of short half-life. The Nuclear Astrophysics program of the n_TOF Collaboration is here described, with emphasis on recent results relevant for stellar nucleosynthesis, stellar neutron sources and primordial nucleosynthesis.}, abstract = {null}, organization = {We acknowledge the support by the Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN), under the Grant No. UMO-2012/04/M/ST2/00700.}, organization = {null}, publisher = {EDP Sciences}, title = {The Nuclear Astrophysics program at n_TOF (CERN)}, doi = {10.1051/epjconf/201716501014}, author = {Colonna, N. and TOF Collaboration and Porras Sánchez, José Ignacio}, }