@misc{10481/49675, year = {2017}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/49675}, abstract = {El corpus literario de Julio Cortázar se explica partiendo del origen de su narrativa en un contexto cuya naturaleza es sincrética y está cimentada en dispares orígenes e influencias culturales que caracterizan al producto cultural americano. Es en la música y en la literatura donde para Cortázar los distintos lenguajes sirven de cauce por el que se canalizan las distintas influencias. Este carácter sincrético por el que se trasvasan lógicas otras heredadas de tradiciones otras posiciona al intelectual americano en la problemática de la identidad y, consecutivamente para Cortázar, en el compromiso.}, abstract = {The Julio Cortazar's literary corpus can be explained from the origin of his narrative in a context whose main feature it is the syncretic nature that it is grounded in the different origins and cultural influences that characterize the American cultural product. It is in music and literature where, to Cortazar, the different languages serve as a channel through which these influences of various kinds are transferred. This syncretic character by which others logical traditions are inherited from others, positions the american intellectual in the problem of identity, and in Cortazar case, in the field of commitment.}, publisher = {University of Pittsburgh}, keywords = {América}, keywords = {Poscolonialismo}, keywords = {Sincretismo}, keywords = {Cortázar, Juliom 1914-1984}, keywords = {Jazz}, keywords = {America}, keywords = {Postcolonialism}, keywords = {Syncretism}, title = {Julio Cortázar: El jazz y América}, doi = {10.5195/ct/2017.227}, author = {Abras Daneri, Araceli}, }