@misc{10481/47998, year = {2017}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/47998}, abstract = {One of the main aspects of this work is that it involves two different prison populations: the Spanish and Ecuadorian populations. Each of these populations has different needs depending on its characteristics, priorities, and the degree of progress of its own social rehabilitation systems. Thus, we adopted a research approach adjusted to the particularities of each prison context, hence generating results that are useful for classification, security, and intervention processes in each context. The New Model of Prison Management implemented by the Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Cults (MJDHC), represents a novel line of progress for the System of Social rehabilitation in Ecuador. In order to contribute to the development of this process, four out of the five empirical studies of this doctoral thesis were carried out in an Ecuadorian prison context. For this, we used samples of between 576 and 811 male inmates for different criminal offenses in two prisons in Guayaquil (Ecuador): Regional Guayas Social Rehabilitation Center and Guayaquil Social Rehabilitation Center. The fifth study used a sample of 77 male participants that are in prison for physical, psychological or sexual (to the partner or ex-partner) aggression in two different centers in Granada (Spain): Albolote Prison and the Social Insertion Center “Matilde Cantos Fernández”. This set of studies follows a logical sequence from both clinical and scientific perspectives. In the following paragraphs, we will briefly present the justification, objectives, data analysis methods, and most relevant results of each study.}, organization = {Tesis Univ. Granada. Programa de Doctorado en Psicología}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Psicología social}, keywords = {Presos}, keywords = {Establecimientos penitenciarios}, keywords = {Violencia}, keywords = {Latinoamericanos}, keywords = {Drogas}, title = {Modalities of aggresion in Spanish-speakin prison evironments}, author = {Burneo Garcés, Carlos}, }