@misc{10481/47211, year = {2012}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/47211}, abstract = {Presentación de la herramienta informática @Note versión 1.0 en el congreso de Humanidades Digitales de Hamburgo 2012. En el artículo se describe el planteamiento informático de la aplicación, creada para anotar textos literarios extraídos de la biblioteca digital Google (patrocinador de la investigación mediante uno e los premios del 2010 Digital Humanities Award Program). Mediante el uso de esta se pueden realizar tareas de lectura y anotación colaborativa, ya entre comunidades de estudiantes como de profesores. El artículo describe brevemente las funcionalidades informáticas que permiten crear esos esquemas compartidos y otras características técnicas.}, abstract = {This paper presents the annotation model used in @Note 1.0, a system developed at Complutense University (Madrid) funded by the Google’s 2010 Digital Humanities Award Program. @Note 1.0 allows to retrieve digitized works from Google Books collection and add annotations to enrich the texts with research and learning purposes: critical editions, reading activities, e-learning tasks, etc. One of the main features of @Note annotation model is to promote the collaborative creation of annotation schemas by communities of researchers, teachers and students, and the use of these schemas in the definition of annotation activities on literary works.}, organization = {Google Inc., a través del Google’s 2010 Digital Humanities Award Program.}, publisher = {University of Hamburg; Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)}, keywords = {Apps}, keywords = {Herramientas informáticas}, keywords = {Google Books}, keywords = {Anotación}, keywords = {Biblioteca virtual}, keywords = {Literatura digitalizada}, keywords = {Informática}, keywords = {Annotation recovery}, keywords = {Rich-Internet Applications (RIAs)}, keywords = {Digital Libraries}, keywords = {API}, title = {A flexible model for the collaborative annotation of digitized literary works}, author = {Gayoso Cabada, Joaquín and Ruiz, César and Pablo Núñez, Luis and Sarasa Cabezuelo, Antonio and Goicoechea de Jorge, María and Sanz-Cabrerizo, Amelia and Sierra Rodríguez, José Luis}, }