@misc{10481/43238, year = {2015}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/43238}, abstract = {International Conference on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering (CMMoST2015) is a scientific event organized by the University of Seville in conjunction with the University of Granada and the Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science, Spain. The CMMoST conferences are devoted to fostering the continued involvement of the research community in all the areas of Structural Engineering, from identifying innovative applications and novel solution techniques to developing new mathematical procedures or addressing educational issues in technical degrees. Previous successful conferences were held in Granada, Spain (2011 and 2013). The present volume is a collection of edited papers that were accepted for oral presentation at CMMoST 2015 after peer-review. Research papers received from five countries formed the basis for the Technical Program.}, publisher = {Universidad de Sevilla}, keywords = {Mechanical models}, keywords = {Structural engineering}, title = {3rd International Congress on Mechanical Models in Structural Engineering}, author = {Sáez Pérez, Andrés and Compán Cardiel, Víctor and Hernández Montes, Enrique and Gil Martín, Luisa María and Gómez Pulido, María Dolores and Cámara Pérez, Margarita}, }