@misc{10481/41188, year = {2014}, month = {9}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/41188}, abstract = {We prove that the multiplication ring of a centrally closed semiprime ring R has a finite rank operator over the extended centroid C iff R contains an idempotent q such that qRq is finitely generated over C and, for each x∈qRq , there exist z∈qRq and e an idempotent of C such that xz = eq.}, organization = {Grupo de Investigación: Estructura Normadas en Espacios Vectoriales (FQM290) de la Junta de Andalucía.}, publisher = {Scientific Research}, keywords = {Extended centroid}, keywords = {Minimal idempotent}, keywords = {Ring}, keywords = {Semiprime ring}, title = {On Finite Rank Operators on Centrally Closed Semiprime Rings}, doi = {10.4236/apm.2014.49056}, author = {Cabello Piñar, Juan Carlos and Casas Del Castillo, Ricardo and Montiel López, Pablo}, }