@misc{10481/37117, year = {2015}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/37117}, abstract = {We here illustrate how a well-founded study of the brain may originate in assuming analogies with phase-transition phenomena. Analyzing to what extent a weak signal endures in noisy environments, we identify the underlying mechanisms, and it results a description of how the excitability associated to (non-equilibrium) phase changes and criticality optimizes the processing of the signal. Our setting is a network of integrate-and-fire nodes in which connections are heterogeneous with rapid time-varying intensities mimicking fatigue and potentiation. Emergence then becomes quite robust against wiring topology modification—in fact, we considered from a fully connected network to the Homo sapiens connectome—showing the essential role of synaptic flickering on computations. We also suggest how to experimentally disclose significant changes during actual brain operation.}, organization = {The authors acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project FIS2013-43201-P.}, publisher = {Nature Publishing}, keywords = {Network models}, keywords = {Complex networks}, keywords = {Statistical physics}, title = {Brain Performance versus Phase Transitions}, doi = {10.1038/srep12216}, author = {Torres Agudo, Joaquín J. and Marro Borau, Joaquín}, }