@misc{10481/36654, year = {1993}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/36654}, abstract = {La obra contiene un estudio de Derecho internacional privado sobre el régimen de las garantías reales en el comercio internacional. Se analiza el Derecho aplicable a las reserva de dominio simples y extensas, la venta en garantía y el leasing en el comercio internacional y los procesos de armonización internacional.}, abstract = {This book includes an analyse of the legal regime of security interets in international trade. It deals eith applicable law to simple and extended retentions of title, sale as guarantee and leasing in internacional trade, as well as an anlysis of harmonization procedures thereon.}, publisher = {Civitas}, keywords = {Garantías reales}, keywords = {Security Interets}, keywords = {Comercio internacional}, keywords = {International Trade}, keywords = {Reserva de dominio}, keywords = {Retention of title}, keywords = {Leasing internacional}, keywords = {International leasing}, keywords = {Venta en garantía}, keywords = {Sale as guarantee}, title = {Garantías reales en el comercio internacional (Reserva de dominio, venta en garantía y leasing)}, author = {Sánchez Lorenzo, Sixto Alfonso}, }