@misc{10481/35245, year = {1995}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/35245}, abstract = {Razlike naspram identitetu i totalitetu, i to na kriticki i nerelativisticki nacin. U prvom odeljku se pokazuje kako se moderno promisljanje razlike pretvorilo u nekriticku disperziju i vrednosni politeizam. U drugom odeljku se izlaf.e i delom podrf.ava Habermasovo i Apelovo glediSte da duhovno jedinstvo ne mote poticati ni iz metafizike ni iz religije. U treéem odeljku se kritikuje "dijalosko" resenje ovihfilozoja, a u cetvrtom preispituje postmoderna alternativa. U petom odeljku izlaie se stanoviste koje otvara moguénost za nerelativisticko promisljanje razlike i oslanja se na "tragicnu" koncepciju racionalnosti.}, abstract = {For Non-Relative Difference and Non-Coercive Dialogue The aim of this artícle is to show that there are reasons for affirming the difference against the ídentity in a critical and non-relatíve way. First, the author explains how the modern thinking of difference led to pluralism and relativism. Then he exposes Habermas' and Apel's thesis that "spiritual unity" cannot stem neither from metaphysics nor from religion. He criticizes their "dialogical" solution and examines postmodern alternative. Finally, he defends hís own, non-relativistic view which relies on the so-called "tragic" conception of rationality.}, keywords = {Identity}, keywords = {Identitet}, keywords = {Razlika}, keywords = {Difference}, keywords = {Moderna}, keywords = {Modernity}, keywords = {Postmoderna}, keywords = {Posmodern}, keywords = {Racionalnost}, keywords = {Rationality}, keywords = {ant, Immanuel, 1724-1804}, keywords = {Habermas, Jürgen}, keywords = {Apel, Karl-Otto}, keywords = {Heidegger, H.}, title = {Za Razliku koja nije relativna i dijalog koji nije prinudan}, author = {Sáez Rueda, Luis}, }