@misc{10481/32717, year = {2006}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/32717}, abstract = {We present and evaluate two corrections applicable in determining the modulation transfer function (MTF) of a charge-coupled device (CCD) by the speckle method that minimize its uncertainty: one for the low frequency region and another for the high frequency region. The correction at the low-spatial-frequency region enables attenuation of the high power-spectral-density values that arise from the field and CCD response non-uniformities. In the high-spatial-frequency region the results show that the distance between the CCD and the aperture is critical and significantly influences the MTF; a variation of 1 mm in the distance can cause a root-mean-square error in the MTF higher than 10%. We propose a simple correction that minimizes the experimental error committed in positioning the CCD and that diminishes the error to 0.43%.}, organization = {The authors express their appreciation to the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología for financing projects FIS2004-06465-C02-01 and FIS2004-06465-C02-02.}, publisher = {Optical Society of America}, keywords = {CCD}, keywords = {Charge-coupled device}, keywords = {Modulation transfer function}, keywords = {Speckle imaging}, title = {Improvements for determining the modulation transfer function of charge-coupled devices by the speckle method}, doi = {10.1364/OE.14.005928}, author = {Pozo Molina, Antonio Manuel and Ferrero, A. and Rubiño López, Antonio Manuel and Campos Acosta, Joaquín and Pons, Alicia}, }