@misc{10481/32624, year = {2005}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/32624}, abstract = {The physics underlying the fall and eventual rise in various total cross-sections at high energies has been investigated over a decade using a model based on the Bloch–Nordsieck resummation in QCD. Here a brief review of our latest results is presented and comparison made with experimental data on pp, γ proton and γγ total cross-sections.}, organization = {This work was supported in part by EU Contract CEE-311. RG wishes to acknowledge the partial support of the Department of Scie nce and Technology, India, under project number SP/S2/K-01/2000-II. AG acknowledges support from MCYT under project number FPA2003-09298-c02-01.}, publisher = {Jagiellonian University}, keywords = {Gamma-gamma collisions}, keywords = {Energy}, keywords = {Hera}, keywords = {LEP}, title = {Total cross-sections and Bloch-Nordsieck gluon resummation}, author = {Pancheri, G. and Godbole, R. M. and Grau, A. and Srivastava, Y. N.}, }