@misc{10481/32420, year = {1996}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/32420}, abstract = {An introduction to the methods and ideas of Chiral Perturbation Theory is presented in this talk. The discussion is illustrated with some phenomenological predictions that can be compared with available experimental results.}, organization = {This work was partially supported by CICYT under contract AEN 94-0936 and the European Commision under contract CHRX-CT-92-0004.}, publisher = {Jagiellonian University}, keywords = {Photon-photon collisions}, keywords = {Anomalous processes}, keywords = {Form-factors}, keywords = {One loop}, keywords = {Lagrangians}, title = {Chiral perturbation theory}, author = {Cornet Sánchez del Águila, Fernando}, }