@misc{10481/32407, year = {2014}, month = {6}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/32407}, abstract = {The present research aim to examine individuals´ purchasing behavioural intention related with corporations who are environmental concerned. Two Structural Equations Models are proposed and tested independently for the behavioral intention or rewarding and punishing companies by buying or not their products. Results highlight the importance of increasing perceived consumer effectiveness of their energy saving actions, as well as involvement to enhance the risk perceived of global climate change and pro-environmental related behaviors. Furthermore, behavioral intention seems to be determined by past reported behaviour and consumers´ risk perception.}, organization = {Incentivos a proyectos de investigación de excelencia de las universidades y organismos de investigación de Andalucía: proyectos de promoción general del conocimiento PGC.SEJ.6768.}, organization = {Incentivos para la formación de personal docente e investigador predoctoral en áreas de conocimiento deficitarias, concedido a la doctoranda por la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía en la convocatoria 2010.}, keywords = {Global climate change}, keywords = {Pro-environmental behavior}, keywords = {Risk perception}, keywords = {Perceived consumer effectiveness}, keywords = {Behavioural intention}, title = {To buy green or not to buy: environmental concerned companies and individuals' rewarding behaviour}, author = {Rodríguez Priego, Nuria and Montoro Ríos, Francisco Javier}, }