@misc{10481/32005, year = {2011}, month = {6}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/32005}, abstract = {This is a report on a specific methodological intervention to improve the pronunciation of 15 Spanish students of English. For 14 weeks, the students were trained in the imitation of English recordings (from films and TV series). One initial (at week 1) and one final (at week 14) imitation, as well as a free speech delivered by every student (at week 14), were analysed. The results indicate that the students slightly improved their pronunciation when imitating but were unable to transfer the gains to their free speech. Students’ impressions were also investigated. All students found the activity helpful and motivating.}, abstract = {Este trabajo presenta una intervención metodológica concreta para mejorar la pronunciación de 15 aprendices españoles de inglés. Durante 14 semanas los alumnos escucharon e imitaron extractos de series y películas en inglés. El análisis de datos incluye una imitación inicial (semana 1), una final (semana 14) y un pequeño discurso libre (semana 14) de cada alumno. Los análisis parecen indicar una leve mejora de la pronunciación en la imitación de textos pero cuyas características no parecen transferirse al discurso libre de los alumnos. Por otra parte, los alumnos explicaron que la actividad les había resultado útil y motivadora.}, organization = {This study was supported by the grant HUM2006-09775-C02-01/FILO awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Reading aloud}, keywords = {Oral text imitation}, keywords = {Pronunciation}, keywords = {English}, keywords = {Lectura en voz alta}, keywords = {Imitación de textos orales}, keywords = {Enseñanza}, keywords = {Pronunciación}, keywords = {Inglés}, keywords = {Teaching}, title = {Imitating english oral texts: a useful tool to learn english pronunciation?}, doi = {10.30827/Digibug.32005}, author = {Lázaro Ibarrola, Amparo}, }