@misc{10481/31571, year = {2010}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/31571}, abstract = {This paper reviews the experimental economics literature on gender differences concerning four subjects: risk aversion, trust, deception and leadership. The vast majority of the articles we have revised document gender differences in behavior; differences which could be explained by sex-role stereotypes and/or hormonal differences.}, organization = {Financial support from the MCI (SEJ2007-62081/ECON), Junta de Andalucía- Excelencia (P07.SEJ.02547) and Instituto de la Mujer (2007 I+D+I/031).}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Teoría e Historia Económica}, keywords = {Gender}, keywords = {Risk aversion}, keywords = {Trust}, keywords = {Deception}, keywords = {Leadership}, title = {Gender differences in economic experiments}, author = {Ergun, Selim Jürgen and García-Muñoz, Teresa and Rivas, María Fernanda}, }