@misc{10481/31472, year = {2005}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/31472}, abstract = {Most of the theoretical and empirical literature on bank margins has dealt solely with interest margins. Applying the seminal Ho-Saunders model (JFQA, 1981) to a multi-output framework, we show that the relationship between bank margins and market power (controlling for risk) varies significantly across bank specializations. Using a set of both accounting margins and New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) margins, we find that market power rises significantly with output diversification to wards non-traditional activities. These results contribute to explain the paradoxical coexistence of decreasing interest margins and higher market power found in previous studies.}, organization = {Financial support from the Spanish Savings Banks Foundation (FUNCAS) and MCYT-FEDER, SEC2002-00348.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Teoría e Historia Económica}, keywords = {Bank margins}, keywords = {Specialization}, keywords = {Market structure}, title = {The determinants of bank margins revisited: a note on the effects of diversification}, author = {Carbó Valverde, Santiago and Rodríguez Fernández, Francisco}, }