@misc{10481/30759, year = {2012}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/30759}, abstract = {Temporo-mandibular joint disc disorders are highly prevalent in adult populations. Autologous chondrocyte implantation is a well-established method for the treatment of several chondral defects. However, very few studies have been carried out using human fibrous chondrocytes from the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ). One of the main drawbacks associated to chondrocyte cell culture is the possibility that chondrocyte cells kept in culture tend to de-differentiate and to lose cell viability under in in-vitro conditions. In this work, we have isolated human temporo-mandibular joint fibrochondrocytes (TMJF) from human disc and we have used a highly-sensitive technique to determine cell viability, cell proliferation and gene expression of nine consecutive cell passages to determine the most appropriate cell passage for use in tissue engineering and future clinical use. Our results revealed that the most potentially viable and functional cell passages were P5–P6, in which an adequate equilibrium between cell viability and the capability to synthesize all major extracellular matrix components exists. The combined action of pro-apoptotic (TRAF5, PHLDA1) and anti-apoptotic genes (SON, HTT, FAIM2) may explain the differential cell viability levels that we found in this study. These results suggest that TMJF should be used at P5–P6 for cell therapy protocols.}, organization = {This work was supported by University of Granada-Campus de Excelencia Internacional, Subprograma de I+D+I y Transferencia and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant IPT-300000-2010-017 (INNPACTO program), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, European Union.}, publisher = {Public Library of Science (PLOS)}, keywords = {X-ray microanalysis}, keywords = {Temporomandibular-joint disc}, keywords = {Elemental concentrations}, keywords = {Articular cartilage}, keywords = {Endothelial cells}, keywords = {Stem cells}, keywords = {Chondrocytes}, keywords = {Differentiation}, keywords = {Disorders}, keywords = {Therapy}, title = {A Combined Approach for the Assessment of Cell Viability and Cell Functionality of Human Fibrochondrocytes for Use in Tissue Engineering}, author = {Garzón Bello, Ingrid Johanna and Carriel Araya, Víctor and Marín Fernández, Ana Belén and Ximenes Oliveira, Ana Celeste and Garrido-Gómez, Juan and Campos Muñoz, Antonio Jesús and Sánchez Quevedo, María Del Carmen and Alaminos Mingorance, Miguel}, }