@misc{10481/29070, year = {1996}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/29070}, abstract = {We analyze K0−K0¯ oscillations in space in terms of propagating wave packets with coherent KS and KL components. The oscillation probabilities PK0→K0(x) and PK0→K0¯(x) depending only on the distance x, are defined through the time integration of a current density j(x,t) . The definition is such that it coincides with the experimental setting, thus avoiding some ambiguities and clarifying some controversies that have been discussed recently.}, organization = {This paper has been partially supported by CICYT contracts AEN94-936 and AEN95-815 and EURODAPHNE, HCHP, EEC contract no. CHRX-CT 920026. R.M.T. acknowledges a E.C post-doctoral fellowship ERBC HBCICT-941777.}, publisher = {Elsevier}, keywords = {Space}, keywords = {Oscillations}, keywords = {Wave}, keywords = {Probabilities}, title = {Space-dependent probabilities for K0−K0¯ oscillations}, author = {Ancochea, B. and Bramon, A. and Muñoz-Tapia, R. and Nowakowski, M.}, }