@misc{10481/28353, year = {2004}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/28353}, abstract = {El presente trabajo pretende investigar la atención que se presta a la diversidad del alumnado dentro del aula de idiomas. Aunque las leyes que se aplican actualmente en el sistema educativo (LOGSE y LOCE) contemplan que el profesorado adecue su intervención, la atención al alumno y la evaluación, podemos decir que la realidad es bien distinta pues aunque las intenciones son buenas, el profesorado no se siente capacitado para llevar a cabo esta atención a la diversidad dentro del aula.}, abstract = {This research describes the attention paid by teachers to the diversity of students in the foreign language classroom. The laws currently applied in our educational system (LOGSE and LOCE) establish that teachers must adjust their intervention, their attention to the students, and the evaluation. In practice, that is not what really happens, since, although the teachers are well intentioned, they do not feel confident to address the diversity that they have in their classes.}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Diversidad}, keywords = {Diversity}, keywords = {Necesidades educativas especiales}, keywords = {Students with special needs}, title = {La atención a la diversidad en el aula de idiomas}, doi = {10.30827/Digibug.28353}, author = {Ortega Martín, José Luis}, }