@misc{10481/24695, year = {2008}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/24695}, abstract = {We must start by saying that the Physical Education as a curricular area has to offer truly educative experiences through the corporal practise to the pupils, contributing to the educative aims of the Primary Education stage. The Physical Education teacher, through the didactic intervention, will have to facilitate situations in which the pupils can fi nd possibilities of acting and implication in the corporal activities and the corresponding satisfactory and motivating learning close to his/her interests, attending to the educative values and purposes. In our case, we are going to refer to the didactic process of the Physical Education teacher, trying to fi nd some explanations about the way he/she teaches, for this reason we have focused on the process of didactic intervention and more specifi cally on the class organization.}, organization = {Facultad de Educación y Humanidades - Campus de Melilla (Universidad de Granada)}, publisher = {Universidad de Granada}, keywords = {Educación Física}, keywords = {Metodología}, keywords = {Enseñanza}, keywords = {Organización de la cla}, keywords = {Physical Education}, keywords = {Methodology}, keywords = {Teaching}, keywords = {Class Organization}, title = {La educación física y la organización de la clase: aprendiendo a enseñar. Consideraciones previas}, author = {Romero Cerezo, Cipriano and López Gutiérrez, Carlos Javier and Ramírez Jiménez, Vicente Paul and Pérez Cortés, Antonio José and Tejada Medina, Virginia}, }