@misc{10481/22438, year = {2006}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/22438}, abstract = {Informe de la prospección arqueológica en un área del yacimiento de El Manzanil (Loja), que puso en evidencia la existencia de estructuras de época emiral (siglo IX), así como la probable conversión de este espacio en parcela de regadío a partir de los siglos X-XI.}, abstract = {The archeological survey of an area located at the archaeological site of El Manzanil (Loja, Granada) have allowed us to locate evidence of some structures, probably houses, with a rough cronology of the nineth century. In addition, the analysis of traditional irrigation systems in this site, suggests that were formed after the abandonment of this settlement, perhaps from the tenth or eleventh centuries. It is recommended conducting an archaeological excavation that will allow an understanding of the early settlements of the Medieval Ages and the formation of the irrigation systems in al-Andalus, in this case in rural areas of the city of Loja.}, publisher = {Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura}, keywords = {Prospección arqueológica}, keywords = {Loja (Granada)}, keywords = {Arqueología medieval}, keywords = {Edad Media}, title = {Prospección arqueológica del plan parcial del área urbanizable número 13 de "El Batán" (Yacimiento arqueológico de "El Manzanil", Loja, Granada)}, author = {Jiménez Puertas, Miguel and Álvarez García, José Javier and Buendía Moreno, Antonio F.}, }