@misc{10481/13783, year = {1985}, month = {12}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/13783}, abstract = {Se trata de un estudio histórico de la fiesta en la cultura popular española, que tendría su origen en los siglos XVI-XVII, caracterizándose sobre todo por el influjo barroco. Luego se abordan algunos rasgos de la fiesta y el ritual tradicional en Granada.}, abstract = {We present a historical study of the fiestas in popular Spanish culture. These have their origin in the XVI-XVII centuries, and are characterized mainly by the Baroque influence. Some features of the fiesta and the traditional ritual in Granada are given.}, organization = {Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada}, publisher = {Pedro Gómez}, keywords = {Barroco}, keywords = {Fiesta}, keywords = {Cultura popular}, keywords = {Granada}, keywords = {Baroque}, keywords = {Popular culture}, title = {Fiesta barroca}, doi = {10.30827/Digibug.13783}, author = {Orozco Pardo, José Luis}, }