@misc{10481/13639, year = {1993}, month = {12}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/13639}, abstract = {Los conflictos interculturales están entre nosotros. Una posición a favor de la multiculturalidad ha de tener en cuenta que las personas que se educan poseen un bagaje cultural propio del grupo humano al que pertenecen, que contiene valores, actitudes y comportamientos adquiridos en un ambiente exterior a la escuela, que son determinantes para su vida y que hay que tener presentes en la elaboración de proyectos curriculares que se pretendan adecuados a la realidad.}, abstract = {Intercultural conflicts live among us. A position in favour of multiculturalism must keep in mind that people who are educated possess a cultural baggage characteristic of the human group to which they belong. This baggage contains the values, attitudes and behavior acquired in an environment external to that of their schooling; these traits are detirmined for life, and it is necessary to keep them in mind them during the execution of academic projects that attempt to be adecuate for our reality.}, organization = {Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada}, publisher = {Pedro Gómez}, keywords = {Interculturalidad}, keywords = {Educación intercultural}, keywords = {Conflicto intercultural}, keywords = {Multiculturalismo}, keywords = {Interculturality}, keywords = {Intercultural education}, keywords = {Intercultural conflict}, keywords = {Multiculturalism}, title = {Interculturalismo y educación}, doi = {10.30827/Digibug.13639}, author = {Cabello Hidalgo, Joaquina}, }