@misc{10481/101408, year = {2017}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/101408}, abstract = {There has been increasing interest in risk scoring and bank- ruptcy prediction in recent years. Most of the current proposals analyse a set of parameters to classify companies as either active or def ault. What banks really need, however, is to be able to predict the probabil- ity of bankruptcy occurring in the future. Current approaches do not enable a deeper analysis to estimate the direction of a company as the parameters under study evolve. This article proposes a system for the Bankruptcy Scenario Query (B-SQ) which is based on association rules to allow users to conduct “What if...?” queries, and obtain as a response what usually happens under similar scenarios with the corresponding probability of it occurring.}, publisher = {Springer}, keywords = {Scenario query}, keywords = {Association rules}, title = {Bankruptcy scenario query: B-SQ}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-67582-4_21}, author = {Molina Fernández, Carlos and Prados Suárez, María Belén and Cortés Romero, Antonio Manuel}, }