@misc{10481/45072, year = {2017}, month = {2}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/45072}, abstract = {The transformation of scientific communication From the Gutenberg Galaxy to the Web Galaxy The Google Scholar Revolution An alternative model of publication and communication? Research evaluation: A determining factor for academic communication practices From Bibliometrics To Webometrics - Altmetrics ALLMETRICS: The measuring of Science Gamification of the scientific endeavour Will the metric become an end in itself? New “scientific illnesses” impactitis, egotitis…}, publisher = {Universidad Pompeu Fabra}, keywords = {Scientific communication}, keywords = {Scholarly publication}, keywords = {Research evaluation}, keywords = {Gamification}, keywords = {Science}, keywords = {Google Scholar}, keywords = {Bibliometrics}, keywords = {Webometrics}, keywords = {Altmetrics}, keywords = {Allmetrics}, keywords = {Almetrics}, keywords = {Impactitis}, keywords = {Egotitis}, title = {The Google Scholar Revolution: Opening the academic Pandora's box. The transformation of scientific communication}, doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.32798.54080}, author = {Delgado López-Cózar, Emilio}, }