@misc{10481/41510, year = {2016}, month = {6}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/41510}, abstract = {This paper aims at exploring the coverage of the Altmetric.com database and its potential use in order to show universities’ research profiles in relationship with other databases. Specifically, our objectives are the following:}, abstract = {1. Analyse the coverage of Altmetric.com at the institutional level and verify its validity as a data source for obtaining alternative metrics derived from the research activity of universities in comparison with those from the Web of Science. For this, we will work with a small sample of four Spanish universities with different characteristics.}, abstract = {2. Analyse coverage differences when obtaining bibliometric profiles from Altmetric.com and Web of Science. In some studies a higher coverage of the Social Sciences and Humanities has been reported, suggesting the potential of altmetric indicators in these areas (Costas, Zahedi, & Wouters, 2015b).}, organization = {Nicolás Robinson García is currently supported by a Juan de la Cierva-Formación Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.}, keywords = {Altmetric.com}, keywords = {Altmetrics}, keywords = {Bibliometric Indicators}, keywords = {Web 2.0}, keywords = {Social Media}, keywords = {University}, title = {Can we use altmetrics at the institutional level? A case study analysing the coverage by research areas of four Spanish universities}, author = {Torres Salinas, Daniel and Robinson García, Nicolás and Jiménez Contreras, Evaristo}, }