Voids in the local urban territory. Patterns of behaviour of Česma-Mađir neighborhood in Banja Luka Kuvač, Igor Rivas-Navarro, Juan L. Urban voids Structure (Dis)continuity Neighbourhood scale Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina Urbane praznine Struktura (Dis)kontinuitet Razmjera naselja Bosna i Hercegovina Urban development follows the logic of a context, but forms of land occupation are not always based on continuously built structures, causing heterogeneity and emergence of urban voids. This is a characteristic of cities that, due to different conditions, have been spontaneously developed. On the example of the last 20- years-long development of Cesma-Madir neighborhood in Banjaluka the paper explores performative patterns of voids, as a specific feature of a low-density city. According to identity values of urban discontinuity, the study points out their potentials in processes of transformations and extensive further research. Urbani razvoj slijedi logiku konteksta, ali oblici zauzimanja zemljišta nisu uvijek zasnovani na kontinuitetu izgrađenosti, te uzrokuju heterogene forme i pojavu urbanih praznina. Ovo je osobina gradova koji su se, usljed različitih uslova, razvijali spontano. Na primjeru posljednjih 20 godina razvoja naselja Česma- Mađir u Banjaluci, rad definiše performativne obrasce praznina u strukturi niske gustine, kao specifične karakteristike grada. S obzirom na identitetarne vrijednosti urbanog diskontinuiteta, studija ističe njihove potencijale u procesima transformacija i potrebu daljih opsežnih istraživanja. 2017-04-17T08:36:30Z 2017-04-17T08:36:30Z 2016 info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject Kuvač, I.; Rivas-Navarro, J.L. Voids in the local urban territory. Patterns of behaviour of Česma- Mađir neighborhood in Banja Luka. In: 12th International Scientific and Professional Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice Construction: Book of proceedings. Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka, 2016. pp. 189-196. [http://hdl.handle.net/10481/45753] 978-99976-663-3-8 http://hdl.handle.net/10481/45753 eng info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess University of Banja Luka. Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy