Project salud, lessons learned in filling public health gaps: building community capacity and culturally appropriate knowledge to prevent HIV infection in the immigrant latino community Sánchez Jiménez, Jesús Gamella Mora, Juan Francisco Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Antropología Social Salud pública Emigración e inmigración Latinoamericanos SIDA / VIH Prevención VIH 2015-01-21T12:28:14Z 2015-01-21T12:28:14Z 2014 2014-07-21 info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis Sánchez Jiménez, J. Project salud, lessons learned in filling public health gaps: building community capacity and culturally appropriate knowledge to prevent HIV infection in the immigrant latino community. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2014. 256 p. [] 978-84-9083-203-5 D.L.: GR 2012-2014 eng info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Universidad de Granada