Adult task-based and communicative L2 teaching and L2 teachers’ search for complicity: R, a case study Aguilar Río, José Ignacio L2 Teaching/learning Teacher Learner Interaction Self-presentation Enseñanza/aprendizaje Profesor Aprendiz Interacción Presentación de la persona Communicative and task-based foreign language (L2) teaching allow the use of participants’ personal attitudes and circumstances in order to introduce linguistic and communicative elements in contexts accounting for conversational routines similar to those of the L2 community. Engaged in interactions resulting from such routines, teacher R shifted at times from his L2 expert role to that of interaction participant, characterised by a feature described as search for complicity towards learners. By examining R’s qualitative corpus of English classes, completed by interviews with R and with learners, we point out some possible didactic implications from this search for complicity feature. El enfoque comunicativo y por tareas en enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras (L2) permite el empleo de informaciones personales para presentar elementos de la L2 en contextos que reproducen los de la comunidad meta. Durante las interacciones con los aprendices, el profesor R alterna en ocasiones su papel de experto en la L2 con el de participante en la comunicación, caracterizado por una búsqueda de complicidad con los aprendices. A partir de extractos de sus clases de inglés y de entrevistas con R y con los aprendices, nos interesamos por los posibles efectos didácticos de esta búsqueda de complicidad. 2014-05-22T11:05:57Z 2014-05-22T11:05:57Z 2009-06 journal article Aguilar Río, J.I. Adult task-based and communicative L2 teaching and L2 teachers’ search for complicity: R, a case study. Porta Linguarum, 12: 75-89 (2009). [] 1697-7467 D.L.: GR 43-2004 10.30827/Digibug.31872 eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Universidad de Granada