Background Subtraction Based on Color and Depth Using Active Sensors Fernández-Sánchez, Enrique J. Díaz, Javier Ros Vidal, Eduardo Background subtraction Foreground Segmentation Depth Kinect Active sensors Computer vision Video surveillance Sensor fusion Depth information has been used in computer vision for a wide variety of tasks. Since active range sensors are currently available at low cost, high-quality depth maps can be used as relevant input for many applications. Background subtraction and video segmentation algorithms can be improved by fusing depth and color inputs, which are complementary and allow one to solve many classic color segmentation issues. In this paper, we describe one fusion method to combine color and depth based on an advanced color-based algorithm. This technique has been evaluated by means of a complete dataset recorded with Microsoft Kinect, which enables comparison with the original method. The proposed method outperforms the others in almost every test, showing more robustness to illumination changes, shadows, reflections and camouflage. 2014-01-17T09:28:50Z 2014-01-17T09:28:50Z 2013 journal article Fernández-Sánchez, E.J.; Díaz, J.; Ros, E. Background Subtraction Based on Color and Depth Using Active Sensors. Sensors, 13(7): 8895-8915 (2013). [doi: 10.3390/s130708895] 1424-8220 doi: 10.3390/s130708895 10.3390/s130708895 eng info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/270436 open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License MDPI