The History of the New Testament Text Casciaro, José María Morales, José Rodríguez Martínez, Javier Belda, Tomás Aranda, Gonzalo Ausín, Santiago Hípola Ruiz, Pedro Limburg, Klaus Gavigan, James McCarthy, Brian McGovern, Thomas Adams, Michael Navarre Bible Acts of the Apostles Commentaries Amazon Search Inside - Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition with Introduction and notes by theology staff of the University of Navarre. Accompanied by New Vulgate Text. The Navarre Bible is an edition of Sacred Scripture prepared by the Faculty of Theology of Navarre University. Designed for the general reader, it consists of the New Vulgate, the Revised Standard Version, and commentaries. The commentaries provide explanations of the doctrinal and practical meaning of the Scriptural text, drawing on a rich variety of sources -Church documents, the exegesis of Fathers and Doctors, and the works of prominent spiritual writers, particularly Monsignor J. Escrivá, who initiated the Navarre Bible project. The cover illustration is taken from Wilhelmina Margaret Geddes (1887-1955). Rhoda opens the door to St Peter (1934) courtesy of The Ulster Museum, Belfast. 2013-09-02T08:44:13Z 2013-09-02T08:44:13Z 1989 info:eu-repo/semantics/bookPart Casciaro, José María; et al. The History of the New Testament Text. In: The Navarre Bible: The Acts of the Apostles in the Revised Standard Version and New Vulgate. Dublin (Ireland): Four Courts Press, 1989. pp. 13-17. [] 9780912414539 1851820450 9781851820450 1851820442 9781851820443 eng The Navarre Bible;5 info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Four Courts Press