Studies of the early medieval pottery of Al-Andalus Carvajal López, José Cristóbal Jiménez Puertas, Miguel Cerámica medieval Cerámica islámica Al-Andalus Medieval pottery Islamic pottery Se adjunta el archivo de las pruebas de imprenta. "The definitive version is available at" This paper presents a review of the studies of early medieval (Amiral and Caliphal) pottery in al-Andalus. It opens with a discussion of the first archaeological and ceramics surveys, including an assessment of their historical and theoretical contexts and their relevance to the developing discipline. After discussion of the contributions and also shortcomings of current approaches, the article closes by sketching the direction of future research. 2012-11-21T13:09:16Z 2012-11-21T13:09:16Z 2011-11 journal article Carvajal López J.C. and Jiménez Puertas, M. "Studies of the early medieval pottery of Al-Andalus". Early Medieval Europe 19(4): 411-435 (2011). [] 1468-0254 doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0254.2011.00330.x eng open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License Blackwell Publishing