A morpheme study in a corpus of secondary school EFL: The “-(e)s” morpheme for 3rd person, plural and possessive Ardébol Barea, Juan Lozano, Cristóbal Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Filologías Inglesa y Alemana Morpheme order studies Second language acquisition Acquisition of morphology Adquisición de segundas lenguas Learner corpora Corpus de aprendices This study about the order of acquisition of morphemes in the L2 English brings to the morpheme order studies a new element which had never before been researched, that is, the use as a means of analysis of the data of a written learner corpus created by L1 Spanish learners of L2 English in classroom environments. As well as previous studies such as the ones carried out by Dulay and Burt (1973), Bailey, Madden and Krashen (1974) or Pica (1983), this study demonstrates that there exists a natural order in the acquisition of morphemes, which implies that some morphemes will be acquired earlier than others. Moreover, an-in depth analysis of the “-(e)s) morphemes, that is, plural, third person singular and possessive, shows that despite being three morpho-phonologycaly similar morphemes, they are acquired in different stages, as previous studies had shown. 2012-10-26T07:28:06Z 2012-10-26T07:28:06Z 2012-09 master thesis http://hdl.handle.net/10481/22162 10.30827/Digibug.22162 eng http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License