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dc.contributor.authorKuvač, Igores_ES
dc.contributor.authorRivas-Navarro, Juan L.es_ES
dc.identifier.citationKuvač, I.; Rivas-Navarro, J.L. Voids in the local urban territory. Patterns of behaviour of Česma- Mađir neighborhood in Banja Luka. In: 12th International Scientific and Professional Conference on Contemporary Theory and Practice Construction: Book of proceedings. Banja Luka: University of Banja Luka, 2016. pp. 189-196. []es_ES
dc.description.abstractUrban development follows the logic of a context, but forms of land occupation are not always based on continuously built structures, causing heterogeneity and emergence of urban voids. This is a characteristic of cities that, due to different conditions, have been spontaneously developed. On the example of the last 20- years-long development of Cesma-Madir neighborhood in Banjaluka the paper explores performative patterns of voids, as a specific feature of a low-density city. According to identity values of urban discontinuity, the study points out their potentials in processes of transformations and extensive further research.en_EN
dc.description.abstractUrbani razvoj slijedi logiku konteksta, ali oblici zauzimanja zemljišta nisu uvijek zasnovani na kontinuitetu izgrađenosti, te uzrokuju heterogene forme i pojavu urbanih praznina. Ovo je osobina gradova koji su se, usljed različitih uslova, razvijali spontano. Na primjeru posljednjih 20 godina razvoja naselja Česma- Mađir u Banjaluci, rad definiše performativne obrasce praznina u strukturi niske gustine, kao specifične karakteristike grada. S obzirom na identitetarne vrijednosti urbanog diskontinuiteta, studija ističe njihove potencijale u procesima transformacija i potrebu daljih opsežnih istraživanja.
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of Banja Luka. Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesyes_ES
dc.publisherUniversity of Banja Luka. Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesyen_EN
dc.subjectUrban voidsen_EN
dc.subjectNeighbourhood scaleen_EN
dc.subjectBanja Lukaen_EN
dc.subjectBosnia and Herzegovinaen_EN
dc.subjectUrbane praznine
dc.subjectRazmjera naselja
dc.subjectBosna i Hercegovina
dc.titleVoids in the local urban territory. Patterns of behaviour of Česma-Mađir neighborhood in Banja Lukaen_EN
dc.title.alternativePraznine u lokalnoj urbanoj teritoriji. Performativni obrasci na primjeru naselja Česma-Mađir u Banjaluci
dc.typeconference outputes_ES
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses_ES

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