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dc.contributor.authorLópez González, Joaquín
dc.identifier.citationLÓPEZ GONZÁLEZ, J. Los estudios sobre música y audiovisual en España: hacia un estado de la cuestión. En: Trípodos (Univ. Ramon Llull, Barcelona). Nº 26 (2010), pp. 53-66. Monográfico Les cares de la música. L'audiovisualització de la música (Ed. Jaume RADIGALES).en_US
dc.description.abstractThis article tries to establish the state of the issue concerning the study of music in relation to the audiovisual media in Spain. Taking as a starting point the first texts in which Spanish composers of cinema music state their interest in the issue, we take a tour through the main authors who have done research on this topic from the eighties to the present day. Moreover, we pay special attention to the presence of this field of study in the Spanish academic world and the existence of institutional initiatives, associations and scientific conferences which encourage its development.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitat Ramon Llullen_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License
dc.subjectMúsica en_US
dc.subjectMedios audiovisualesen_US
dc.subjectBibliografías en_US
dc.subjectMusic en_US
dc.subjectAudiovisual mediaen_US
dc.subjectBibliography en_US
dc.titleLos estudios sobre música y audiovisual en España: hacia un estado de la cuestiónen_US
dc.typejournal articleen_US
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accessen_US

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