@misc{10481/78779, year = {2022}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/10481/78779}, abstract = {La arquitectura dedicada históricamente al olivar en la vega de Sevilla, formada principalmente por haciendas, se distribuye en dos ámbitos en el medio rural, uno sudoccidental en terrenos de vega concentrando la mayoría de edificios en La Rinconada, y otro nororiental en la vega y la sierra con edificios en Villanueva del Río y Minas, Alcolea del Río y Lora del Río. A estos ámbitos se suman otros edificios dentro de diversos núcleos urbanos. Con una fuerte industria aceitera a mediados del siglo XIX, la vega pierde a finales del XX casi el sesenta por ciento de su superficie de olivar y gran parte de los edificios dedicados a estas labores. Se han localizado sesenta y tres edificios olivareros, de los que se conservan tres cuartas partes y poco más de la mitad de estos cuentan con protección urbanística.}, abstract = {The architecture dedicated to the olive groves in the vega of Seville, compoused mainly of haciendas, is distributed in two areas in the countryside. The first one, in the south-west, on plain lands, concentrates most of the buildings in La Rinconada. The second one has several buildings on plain lands and the sierra in Villanueva del Río y Minas, Alcolea del Río and Lora del Río. Other buildings within various urban centers can be added to these areas. There was a strong oil industry in the vega in the mid-nineteenth century. However, the vega lost almost sixty percent of its olive groves area at the end of the twentieth century and a large part of the buildings dedicated to these tasks. Sixty-three buildings have been located, of which three-quarters are preserved and just over an half of these have planning protection.}, organization = {HUM813}, publisher = {Abada Editores}, keywords = {Hacienda}, keywords = {Almazara}, keywords = {Paisaje}, keywords = {Olivar}, keywords = {Vega de Sevilla}, keywords = {Oil mill}, keywords = {Landscape}, keywords = {Olive groves}, keywords = {Vega of Seville}, title = {Arquitectura del olivar en la vega de Sevilla. Fragmentos de un paisaje extinto}, author = {Chaparro-Campos, Manuel and Aladro-Prieto, José Manuel}, }