@misc{10481/51102, year = {2009}, url = {http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/letral/article/download/3557/3545}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/51102}, abstract = {La presente semblanza de Juan Carlos Onetti pretende rescatar un hilo conductor de su vida basado en ciertas actitudes y episodios que se remontan a su niñez y se prolongan hasta sus últimos años. En ellas puede verse una relación entre la soledad, el encierro y la imaginación que explica tanto ciertos rasgos de su personalidad como características fundamentales de su literatura.}, abstract = {This profile of Juan Carlos Onetti aims to recover a principal current of his life based on certain attitudes and episodes that date back to his childhood and extend to his final years. In these attitudes and episodes one can see a relationship among solitude, reclusion and imagination that explains both certain traits of his personality and fundamental characteristics of his literature.}, publisher = {Proyecto LETRAL}, keywords = {Juan Carlos Onetti}, keywords = {Biografía}, keywords = {Literatura}, keywords = {Biography}, keywords = {Literature}, title = {Juan Carlos Onetti encerrado con un solo juguete: un libro}, author = {Becerra Grande, Eduardo}, }