@misc{10481/39189, year = {2015}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/10481/39189}, abstract = {El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar y restituir mediante modelos infográficos el espacio de la escalera principal del castillo de Vélez Blanco con el fin de recrear las cualidades espaciales, lumínicas y materiales originales de este ámbito. Si de la estancia primitiva se conserva poco más que el perímetro murario que lo acota, esta investigación identifica y reconstruye virtualmente cada una de las partes y elementos que la conformaban a partir del estudio histórico-documental y el levantamiento tridimensional del estado actual de la sala y de las piezas de la escalera que aún se conservan desmontadas en otras dependencias del castillo.}, abstract = {he aim of this project was to analyze and restore the architectural space of the main staircase of the castle of Vélez using Rendering (a process of generating an image from a model by means of computer programs) in order to recreate the spatial, light and material qualities of the original room. Virtually the only intact structures that remain in the building are the walls. Therefore, the main focus of this research was the identification and creation of a virtual reconstruction of all the architectural elements that initially formed part of the main staircase space. The author has carried out a historical study and has made a three-dimensional survey of the current state of the remains of the staircase along with the pieces of marble from this room that have been preserved but disassembled in other areas of the castle.}, publisher = {Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)}, keywords = {Escalera principal}, keywords = {Castillo}, keywords = {Vélez Blanco (Almería)}, keywords = {Marqués de los Vélez}, keywords = {Pedro Fajardo}, keywords = {Renacimiento español}, keywords = {Main staircase}, keywords = {Castle}, keywords = {Marquis of the Vélez}, keywords = {Spanish Renaissance}, title = {Análisis y restitución infográfica del espacio de la escalera principal del castillo de Vélez Blanco (Almería)}, doi = {10.3989/aearte.2015.14}, author = {Motos Díaz, Ismael}, }